Tuesday, September 24, 2024

[Dungeon] Hole of the Goblin King

Buckle up and put on some Grieg, we are going on a trip to the Hall of the Mountain King! ...what? The DM blew all our money on novelty dice and now we can only afford infiltrating the Hole of the Goblin King? Uhhh I guess that's our life now.

Hole of the Goblin King is a dungeon I drew and wrote by hand. 18 keyed areas of an underground lair. I guess it's what you *might* call "vanilla fantasy", because it's about goblins in a hole, with by-the-book stuff. It has kind of a whimsical/tongue-in-cheek tone. Leveld 2-3? 

Anyway, this was FUN. You should have more FUN.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

A variant for Magic Word spellcasting

For Magic Word spellcasting, see, e.g., Papers & Pencils or d4 caltrops! The gist is that instead of a fixed spell list, the Magic-Users are given a list of words which they can combine on the fly into spells. So it leads to more free-form and varied magic.

Here’s a simple variant on using such a system.

  • Magic Words are recorded in the M-U’s spellbook.
  • Every day, a set number (depending on level) of Words can be memorized.
  • The M-U can opt to cast one-, two- or even three-Word spells. The more Words, the more powerful the spell can be.
  • After casting, all but one Words are crossed off the memorized list. If a one-Word spell was cast, that Word is crossed off.

There is a tactical element: if you want to keep a particular Word, keep casting it with other components, so that you can keep your lil’ favorite. But, of course, don’t be afraid to kill your idols either.

As for the number of Words available for daily memorization, 2 + caster level feels alright. So that’s three Words for a starting M-U.


Gambozo, Magic-User 2, memorizes these Words from their spellbook: Darkness, Mind, Water, Free (rolled from the d4 caltrops list)

During their next adventure:

  1. They cast Water of Darkness, a sort of flowing/mobile darkness that engulfs creatures (Darkness, Mind, Water, Free)
  2. Then they cast Free Mind to break out a comrade from under vampiric influence (Darkness, Mind, Water, Free)
  3. Then they cast Mind Darkness to wipe the memories of a guard (Darkness, Mind, Water, Free)
  4. And they have a weak single-component Darkness to cast if they need to cover their escape.


Quick recommendations for interpreting new spells:

Caster level


Area of effect

No of targets

































Putting more component Words in a spell can bump it up a bit.

Sun Ra, because why not

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Oracular exercise: Fallen starship in the Sargasso Sea

Benign Brown Beast posted The Minideck, a wonderful 18-card set with all kinds of themes combined on a single card. Let's see how it fares when used as a spark/inspirational tool for gaming content creation!

Here's a quick adventure location, generated based on the following draw of three cards:

Fallen starship in the Sargasso Sea

·       Cigar-shaped shining metal vessel, at 45 degree angle, half of it waterlogged

·       Residual cosmic radiation caused mutations in local flora & fauna:

o   Kelp monsters

o   Fire-vomiting seagulls

o   Sentient krill swarms

o   Seaweed which accelerates healing when applied as bandages + causes weird plant-based mutations

·       Inhabitants: Pike-people from Beyond the Dog-Star

o   Elongated silvery bodies, fluid movements, naga-style, four upper appendages

§  weaponry: anchor-guns and boarding hooks

o   Actually fear saline water

o   They kidnapped 6 people from the planet, who are now in suspended animation in the waterlogged area

o   Want to repair their ship and leave the planet

This took me about 5 minutes. Weird nautical adventuring is GO!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

d10 Treasures of great potential for science fantasy settings

These are powerful, perhaps potentially setting-changing artifacts which cannot be used – yet!
  1. Stash of discharged but functional energy weapons, enough to arm a squad
  2. Giant metal bird with broken wings, large enough to carry 20 men
  3. Weapon of mass destruction, lacking its trigger mechanism
  4. Recipes and formulae of miracle cures, written in undeciphered language
  5. A portal of instantaneous travel to other realms, but the coordinates are unknown
  6. Two dozen giant eggs, unhatched, but full of life
  7. Treasure map engraved on basalt slab, vital fragment missing
  8. Great sage or warrior in suspended animation on the verge of death from incurable disease
  9. Air-generator or Water-purifier, sealed by mad curse
  10. Satellite array and radar complex that, due to a malfunction, kills anybody who interfaces with it

Bonus: The local community’s relationship with the artifact:
  1. Secretly researched by a small group
  2. Actively and openly researched by all
  3. Worshipped by all as a divine effigy
  4. Feared, shunned and quarantined
  5. Buried and hidden, unbeknownst to all (but rumors exists…)
  6. Buried and hidden, guarded by a small group (but rumors exists…)

Sunday, June 2, 2024

d50 Delinquent Werewolves from Outer Space

I guess you roll three times and that's your character for any game of "I Walked With a Teenage Tiki Pin-Up Surfer"?..

  1. Abductee
  2. Alpha Bitch
  3. Beach Bum
  4. Beatnik
  5. Biker
  6. Brainiac
  7. Carnie
  8. Cat-Creature
  9. Catholic School Dropout
  10. Deceptively Square
  11. Drag Queen
  12. "Exotic"
  13. Franken
  14. From Outer Space
  15. Ghoul
  16. Goo Goo Muck
  17. Graverobber
  18. Grease Monkey
  19. Greaser
  20. Gun-Toting
  21. Hobo
  22. Hooker
  23. Junior Delinquent
  24. Leather-Clad
  25. Mod
  26. Mutant
  27. Pin-Up
  28. Psychic
  29. Psycho
  30. Psychonaut
  31. Punk
  32. Reefer-Mad
  33. Rock'n'rolla
  34. Roller Derby Champion
  35. Satanist
  36. Stiletto-Wearing And Stiletto-Wielding
  37. Suburban Escapee
  38. Surfer
  39. Tattoo-Artist
  40. Tiki
  41. Trucker
  42. Twins
  43. Undead
  44. Vampire
  45. Voodoo
  46. Werewolf
  47. Witch
  48. Witchdoctor
  49. Wrestler
  50. Zombie

nooo, I forgot to put "Cheerleader" on this...

Edit 2:
nooooo, and I forgot to include "From Hell" and "Demonic"!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Black Snakes Gang - an AD&D Bandit group

I really like the Men-type encounters in the AD&D Monster Manual. The listings include all kinds of rolls to flesh out the group of ne’er-do-wells, be that Bandits, Brigands (which are, we learn, chaotic evil Bandits), Buccaneers, Pirates (that is, chaotic evil Buccaneers…) or what have you.

Generating them on the fly is a pain in the ass, but during prep/hex stocking you can create the whole group that has a lair and sends out patrols/raiding parties in their area.

Here’s a Bandit group, rolled up by hand:


Leader: 10th level fighter

Lieutenant: 7th level fighter

Personal guards: 6 x 2nd level fighters

Elite fighters: 3 x 3rd level fighters, 2 x 4th level fighters, 1 x 5th level fighter, 1 x 6th level fighter

No magic-users or clerics.

Regular bandits: 60

Equipment (total no. of combatants: 75):

medium horse, chainmail & shield, sword            10%       7

light horse, leather armor & shield, spear            10%       7

light horse, leather armor, light crossbow            10%       8

leather armor & shield, sword                                   40%       30

leather armor, pole arm                                              10%       7

leather armor, light crossbow                                   10%       7

leather armor, short bow                                            10%       8



Type: informal camp

Important prisoners: 12

Camp followers/slaves: 15

Treasure: 4,000 sp, 4,000 ep, 300 pp, 40 gems

So this is what you get just from the Monster Manual.

For additional details, I would use my humanoid lair generator. The Black Snakes lair in a ruined manor, they are plagued by inner strife and low morale. Perhaps all those elite fighters are planning a coup.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Medieval Cappadocian dungeon design!

Archaeology and real-world architecture is always super inspiring. But one of the problem is that real-world architecture, unlike fantasy dungeons, is often linear and too simple. Not enough weird interconnections to really make dungeon exploration interesting! I posted about this in the early days of this blog.

Well, this Cappadocian rock-cut monastery at Selime Kalesi is a non-linear dream!


The map is from Cave Monasteries of Byzantine Cappadocia by Lyn Rodley (p. 64).

My favorite detail is the narrow passage between areas 13 and 18. Good design, Cappadocians!

And the detailed room-by-room description is like a keyed dungeon... Albeit without monsters. Some excerpts from the book:

Room 2

At the south side of the east wall of Room 1 a small rectangular opening leads into Room 2, a narrow rectangular room with a bench along west, east and south walls. The room is roughly barrel-vaulted at its north end and has a flat ceiling at the south end, carried above a cornice. West, east and south walls at this end of the room have a decoration of arched blind niches; those on the west and east walls taper off at their north sides. The niche of the south wall contains a large rectangular window, overlooking the valley.


Room 8

The porch, like the church, was plastered, but most of the plaster has fallen away. Fragments remain on the east wall, around the church entrance, and on the easternmost edges of north and south walls. Just below the cornice on each side is a painted inscription of seven lines on the north side and three lines on the south. The lines of the inscription appear to be complete and since they occupy the whole width of the plastered area of the porch it is possible that the plaster did not extend right across the porch wall, but was confined to a narrow vertical band the width of the inscription. Unlikely though this may seem, the alternative is to assume that by chance the area of plaster with the inscription has been preserved while the rest is lost. The text, a dodecasyllabic poem, is as follows:

‘Let no one be misled by the desire for wealth for the love of money has destroyed many. For this flesh is earth, clay and...’

The poem appears to refer to the tomb chamber below it, but clearly does not supply any information on the inhabitants of the chamber.


Room 12

A secondary opening in the west wall of Room 12 leads into Room 13, described below. The only original opening is the rectangular entrance from Area 10, described above, which opens into the south wall of Room 12. In the southeast corner of the room a chimney has been cut through the ceiling, and the room is much blackened by smoke.


Room 18

There are two openings in the south wall of the east gallery: to the west, the entrance to another elbow-shaped passage leading to the east end of the south gallery (18c) and to the east an opening into the long tunnel (b) which links the east wall of Room 18 with Room 13.


Room 28

This is a small barrel-vaulted room with cornices, a transverse arch and wall arches, like so many others of the monastery. One lunette is decorated with a relief carving of a horned animal. The location of the stable suggests that the tunnel was once the only entrance to the monastery, and that horses and pack animals had to be left at the foot of the hill and the tunnel entered on foot. The room with the horned animal may conceivably have been a gatehouse of sorts.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

3x10 initiation rites

Random acts and tasks a guild/clan/order/gang might require from those wanting to enter their ranks.

1. Spend a night in jail and carve your name on the wall.
2. Steal from somebody who trusts you.
3. Prevent a crime – then commit it yourself.
4. Frame somebody for a crime, real or imaginary.
5. Get caught cheating in a game.
6. Cry wolf!
7. Sell something of no value for a great price.
8. Find a hidden path.
9. Impersonate somebody for a day.
10. Steal something big – then lose it.

1. Fall from a high spot, then climb higher and fall again. Repeat.
2. Pick a fight – and lose.
3. Gather your gang, start a fight, direct them from the sidelines.
4. Teach somebody to fight better.
5. Fight with your hands tied behind your back.
6. Bring down a building.
7. Survive being dragged under a ship.
8. Fight an alpha to assert dominance.
9. Forge your own weapon.
10. Defeat somebody with your gaze.

1. Witness a lightning strike.
2. Walk an untrodden path.
3. Become a wild beast for a day.
4. Get stung or bit by three different stingers and biters.
5. Create a mask and wear it as long as you can.
6. Ponder your orb.
7. Get utterly, hopelessly lost.
8. Create your own secret code writing.
9. Carve your true name on a pebble and throw it in the river.
10. Find the same place thrice in your dreams.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

[Dungeon] "The Arnesonium" - a Blackmoorian exercise

The topic of the dungeon maps from First Fantasy Campaign came up on the Wandering DMs discord server. Mostly we discussed how to describe all those weirdly shaped spaces and labyrinthine corridors...

Just for fun, I decided to draw up and stock a dungeon level in this style. I did not use the "Protection Point" system (you can read about it over at The Alexandrian's blog), just filled everything up as I went randomly. 

The Arnesonium, Level 1

1) 4 Ogres, lazy, 4000 GP, Potion of Ogre Shape
2) 8 Spiders
3) 5800 GP, Wand of Bridge Building
4) Knee-deep water. 28 Talking Eels
A. Teleport to 3)
5) 6 dead adventurers, will rise as Zombies
6) Dungeon noticeboard: monsters for hire
8) Switch: lowers the ambient temperature of the whole dungeon level to arctic, then breaks off.
9) 6300 GP, Dragon-Fang Spear, 2 Potions of Sadness
10) 1 Wight

Wandering Monsters by Quadrant
A) 6 Berserkers
B) Conjurer and 4 Men-at-Arms
C) 4 Zombies
D) 1 Ogre

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Lycanthropy rules, based on the Turn Undead table

A simple system for player characters infected with lycanthropy!


There are two types of transformation: voluntary or forced.

Forced transformation happens under setting-specific circumstances: full moon, passing of a comet, meteor shower, drugs, anger or stress, trigger word for hypnotic suggestion, etc.

The player must roll on the following chart, 2d6 for voluntary transformation, 3d6 with “disadvantage” (roll 3 dice, keep the 2 worst).


Lycanthrope type (HD) **

Level *

Wererat (3)

Werewolf (4)

Wereboar (4+1)

Weretiger (5)

Werebear (6)

Devil Swine (9)






















































































- = transformation and uncontrolled rage for a number of rounds equal to double the Lycanthrope HD, then transform back and crash (unconsciousness for 1 hour)

11, 9, 7 = roll equal or higher to retain control for a number of rounds equal to character level, then rage for a number of rounds equal to Lycanthrope HD, transform back and check for crashing (save vs Petrification or lose consciousness for 1 hour)

T = transform and retain control for a number of rounds equal to character level, then transform back; unable to transform again until after a night’s rest

D = transform, retain control and transform back at-will, no crashing

* Reddit user Maz437 proposed an addition to the system

This is based not on absolute character level, but on "levels spent with the curse".

However, that also means that mightier high-level characters (who level slowly), will spend a LOT of time trying to learn to control the disease, which is also a bit strange (logically, a high-level character would have an easier time retainig control).

** HD values based on OSE. Modify as needed...