Saturday, December 3, 2016

[Swamp '70] Swamped in pictures

Panoramio, the amazing photo sharing site, closed own on 4 November 2016. I really liked browsing it, seeing all kinds of places around the world, and it was also great for inspiration. Before it's closure, I went on a manic downloading spree and amassed some very nice photos of nature and buildings in Florida, for later use with my Swamp '70 project. Unfortunately, with Panoramio now offline, it's hard to trace back some of the authors. I can only hope that most of them will use the tools provided by Google to save their archives!

Also, it seems that direct links to user profiles are still working (although not accessible through the main site).

One of the best collections of photos of rural Florida were taken by Ken Badgley, and I cannot thank him enough for sharing his unique shots of decaying houses and old buildings. Some of this shots have this eerie-even-when-the-sun-shines quality, which I'm aiming for.

I was also able to pull some GREAT historical photos from the The National Archives.