Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Lamentable Blades: swashbuckling combat house rules for LotFP/OSR games

This is a set of house rules for swashbuckling combat, dueling and mustache-twirling. Based on LotFP, but usable with any similar OSR game or B/X clone like Old School Essentials or whichever you prefer. Main features: Armor Class is replaced by a Defense Class based on the character's Hit die type, because swashbuckling characters rarely wear heavy armor or armor at all. If you are not happy about your Defense class or Initiative, you can reverse them as an action. There is a reaction-like Repost available & quick-and-easy rules for wrestling

Basically I wanted to do a mash-up of LotFP and Flashing Blades: add some attack options, but without bogging down combat.

Read the rules in this post or grab the free/PWYW PDF over at itch.io!

Buccaneers #19


House rules for Lamentations of the Flame Princess. For 17th-18th century dueling, swashbuckling and moustache-twirling.


Initiative = d6 + Dexterity modifier, rolled individually at the beginning of combat (but an action can be used to invert it)

Attack bonus = base attack bonus (according to class and character level) + attribute modifier (based on weapon type: Strength or Dexterity)

Defense class [replaces Armor class] = 10 + Dexterity modifier + the character’s Hit die (Fighter d8, Cleric/Specialist d6, Magic-User d4), rolled at the beginning of combat (but an action can be used to invert it)


At the beginning of combat, everybody involved rolls individual Initiative and Defense class.


At the beginning of each round, declare actions in reverse initiative order. One can also declare whether they are taking an aggressive or defensive stance.

If unsatisfied with the Initiative or Defense class rolled at the beginning of combat, there are two options:

Improving Initiative

The character forfeits all other actions and attacks, and concentrates on acting earlier in the next round. Invert the character’s Initiative roll (if the character rolled 1 on the d6, it becomes a 6, 2 becomes a 5, 3 becomes a 4). During this round, the character is assumed to have taken a defensive stance. The new Initiative activates on the next round.

Improving Defense class

The character forfeits all other actions and attacks, and tries to regain balance, gain a foothold, cover their rear, etc. Invert the character’s Defense class roll (if the character rolled 1 on a d6, it becomes a 6, 2 becomes a 5, 3 becomes a 4, etc., depending on the Hit die). During this round, the character is assumed to have taken a defensive stance. The new Defense class activates on the next round.


The combat roll is a d20 plus the character’s Attack bonus and any modifiers (from chosen tactic, situational advantage or disadvantage, encumbrance).

Combat modifiers



Attack bonus

Defense class





(…swinging on a chandelier, jumping down from a balcony…)



Successful attack causes damage and knocks down the enemy for 1 round. Unsuccessful attack causes the attacker to lose balance instead. Levelled characters can save against Paralyzation.

Aggressive stance




Defensive stance




Off-hand parry weapon



Additional +1 on disarming attempts

Off-hand offensive weapon



Roll damage for both weapons, take higher result

Armor worn



-1 damage to wearer


Simple attack

Make a combat roll. If the result is equal to or greater than the target’s Defense class, the attack hits and does damage. Damage is defined by the weapon used and adjusted if the target is wearing armor.

Multiple attacks

This type of attack is only available if a levelled character is facing off against two or more “mooks” (0-level enemies). Instead of making a single one, the character gets a number of combat rolls equal to their level. Each such maneuver (simple attacks or disarms) must be directed against a different enemy, and each attack is made as if the attacker was level 1.


The target of an unsuccessful attack might follow up with a riposte. Only one riposte can be made in one round. It is rolled either as a simple attack or a disarming maneuver. An additional +1 bonus applies if the original attack was half or less than half of the target’s defense class. Ripostes don’t have to be declared.


Make a combat roll. If the result is equal to or greater than the target’s defense class, the disarming maneuver is successful. An off-hand parrying weapon grants +1 on the disarming attempt.


Make a combat roll. If the result is equal to or greater than the target’s defense class, the target is stunned and cannot act for a number of rounds (1 round for unarmed attacks and bladed weapons; a number of rounds equal to the damage rolled for blunt weapons). However, only a flat 1 damage is dealt to hit points. Levelled characters can save against Paralyzation to avoid getting stunned.

Facing multiple foes

Defense class is unadjusted if the number of “mooks” is equal to or less than the target character’s level (or group of characters combined level). Otherwise, there is a -1 penalty for each attacker over this number. When levelled characters or monstrous creatures attack, total their levels or hit dice and compare with the target.

Unarmed combat


As a simple attack, does 1d2 damage plus Strength modifier. Can be used to stun an enemy or attack multiple enemies.


Everybody involved in the brawl rolls all their Hit dice and adds their Strength modifiers; totals are compared; higher wins. The next round the struggle continues, however the last round’s losers subtract one from their effective hit dice. If any of the sides has no Hit dice left, they are completely subdued.

Being equipped with a net, rope, man-catcher or anything similar grants an additional die on the roll.


House rules to use in conjecture with Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Rules & Magic. This product is an independent production by Tamรกs Kisbali/Eldritch Fields and is not affiliated with Lamentations of the Flame Princess. Lamentations of the Flame Princess is a registered trademark owned by James Edward Raggi IV.

Art taken from Buccaneers #19 (Jan. 1950), now in the Public Domain.

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