Oh, and a cool thing about the Lenormand deck: it contains 36 cards... so you can roll that with a d66 or put it on a 6x6 matrix if you don't have your deck at hand!
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
Heart |
House |
Letter |
Mice |
Mountain |
Ship |
2 |
Tower |
Whip |
Cross |
Coffin |
Child |
Bouquet |
3 |
Bear |
Clouds |
Fox |
Dog |
Stork |
Clover |
4 |
Garden |
Snake |
Key |
Animus |
Birds |
Fish |
5 |
Anima |
Sun |
Moon |
Scythe |
Anchor |
Ring |
6 |
Lily |
Book |
Star |
Crossroad |
Tree |
Rider |
Bonus content: Lenormand emoji spark table by Liche's Libram!
Without further ado, six random draws, interpreted:
- (tower, clover, anchor) - A tower stands in the middle of a clover field. The edifice leans slightly to the east. A large anchor on a chain descends from the topmost window, as if keeping the tower in place.
- (crossroad, snake, clouds) - A normal crossroads during day, but fog rolls in at night, and a serpent slithers out from the bushes. It grants a wish if it can afterwards switch bodies with a human.
- (tree, moon, key) - A venerable oak with a keyhole in it. If a silver key is inserted and turned clockwise, the keyhole swallows the key, then expands into a portal. It leads into the Treasure Vault of the Moon Princess.
- (sun, rider, letter) - Encounter: Messenger of the Sun King, cursing and shouting “clear the road!”, urging the horse to ride faster; but the animal is at its last breath and will soon collapse from sheer exhaustion. The Messenger carries a highly important message.
- (bouquet, cross, fox) - An old cemetery, moss-covered headstone, overgrown crosses. After the abandonment of the nearby settlement, wild animals reclaimed the land. A fox has dug a deep hole into a mound – and a couple of silver coins shine in the dirt…
- (fish, moon, house) - A noble estate, the house’s faรงade reflected in a small pond. The family’s coat-of-arms is a silver crescent on a green field. The eldest son is suffocated by responsibilities; he feels like a fish out of water – but he must take care of his sickly parents.