Wednesday, August 21, 2024

d10 Treasures of great potential for science fantasy settings

These are powerful, perhaps potentially setting-changing artifacts which cannot be used – yet!
  1. Stash of discharged but functional energy weapons, enough to arm a squad
  2. Giant metal bird with broken wings, large enough to carry 20 men
  3. Weapon of mass destruction, lacking its trigger mechanism
  4. Recipes and formulae of miracle cures, written in undeciphered language
  5. A portal of instantaneous travel to other realms, but the coordinates are unknown
  6. Two dozen giant eggs, unhatched, but full of life
  7. Treasure map engraved on basalt slab, vital fragment missing
  8. Great sage or warrior in suspended animation on the verge of death from incurable disease
  9. Air-generator or Water-purifier, sealed by mad curse
  10. Satellite array and radar complex that, due to a malfunction, kills anybody who interfaces with it

Bonus: The local community’s relationship with the artifact:
  1. Secretly researched by a small group
  2. Actively and openly researched by all
  3. Worshipped by all as a divine effigy
  4. Feared, shunned and quarantined
  5. Buried and hidden, unbeknownst to all (but rumors exists…)
  6. Buried and hidden, guarded by a small group (but rumors exists…)